Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A challenge with aura
Calling for skill authentic
Requiring ability of writer
Opting without much ado
Sewing words to words
Themes that are great
It spares no ennui
Creating verses, some archaic 
Spreading cheers and joys


Written for Acrostic Only

Also for Leo's Z to A Challenge in 26 Days for the month of November.

A for Acrostics

Monday, November 29, 2010


Bitterness hurts like crazy
Rending the heart sorely
Even amends are scanty
Against hurts hurled plenty
Knowing him rather fully
Oblivious to pains scary
Forgetting him is really
Frightfully the only way


Written for Acrostic Only

Also for Leo's Z to A Challenge in 26 Days for the month of November.

B for Breakoff

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Two hearts meld
Two minds meld
Two souls meld
Nature and man meld
And it’s perfect!

Like a butterfly
That sips the nectar
Of a beautiful flower

Like the waves
That keep breaking
On the seashore

Like the waterfall
That runs down
In the deep abyss

Like the bird
That sings tunes
Pleasant to ears

Like summer
That brings flowers
To beautiful bloom

Like autumn
That makes the trees
Look lifeless

Like spring
That shows the birth
Of a new beginning

Like winter
That hides the beauty
Of the earth


Written for One Single Impression
Prompt: Meld

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Comfortable abode
On the outskirts
Turning  mind away from
The troubles of city life
Assuring peace and calm
Giving rest and rejuvenation
Each time visited


Written for Acrostic Only
Poet's Choice

Also for Leo's Z to A Challenge in 26 Days for the month of November.

 C for Cottage

Friday, November 26, 2010

D for Destiny

I was wrong when I wanted to end Leo's challenge so soon...He insisted "no ending early" coz I have this other blog where I can post the rest of the challenge til the last letter, while I enjoy my anniversary in my other blog ..so buddies, here I am... :-)


You're my destiny
T'was written in the stars
Soul mates forever!


Written for Leo's Z t0 A Challenge in 26 Days for the month of November.

D for Destiny